Hi, I'm Glen Spoors and I trade under the business name Lost Isle Media.
I’m a Perth-born cross-media artist and former academic. I've taught media, cultural studies and game design across Edith Cowan, Curtin and UWA since 2000, and currently teach game design at SAE Perth. I received my PhD in 2004 on emotion in games but soon afterwards pivoted back towards my creative passions, although I've continued to supervise postgraduate students.
I periodically shift gears between writing, music, art and gaming, and tend to treat them as separate, so rather than put all my work under one label I gave each its own brand:
CORADEL PRESS (writing): I wrote fantasy from late primary school on, but my most productive period was in my early 20s and early 30s. My early fantasy was Tolkein-inspired fantasy, but it evolved into my own hybrid of low fantasy, fantasy horror, literary fantasy and philosophically-informed urban surrealism. I would recommend Rapanoikhi and Other Stories as my most accessible writing.
CHEEKY MONSTER GAMES (board and digital games): When I was an early teen I designed computer games and role-playing games, but left that hobby for about fifteen years. In my mid-30s I found a renewed interest in boardgames, roleplaying games and indie computer games, which led me to design Pocket Troll, Colossus Awakes and several other games, and notably my 2-volume RPG Io: Supernatural Fantasy Roleplaying.
KORELAI MUSIC (albums and SFX): I composed the bulk of my music from 1988 and 1998, between the ages of 14-24, with another burst around 2005, occasionally adding to my repertoire between and afterwards. I performed at several venues around Perth, but prefer composing and recording. My work varies from pastoral and traditional folk to 60s folk/pop, folk/rock, experimental, blues/hick and alternative rock. I would consider Supernatural Tourist one of my most accessible albums.
WYRDLING ART (arts and crafts): I drew prolifically as a child, but stopped during high school and didn’t resume until adulthood. My early work was generic fantasy, but my evolved style is a hybrid of surrealism and monster art. I usually draw in service of writing but only recently made a concerted effort to hone my digital art in Photoshop. I've exhibited some work at Spectrum Gallery and sell a limited number of images for prints, shirts and other merchandise. I've dabbled in craft, but am hoping to pursue more down the track, e.g. birdhouses, textile butterflies and other Etsy-ish trinkets, as well as monster maquettes.
Inbetween my lecturing day job and own creative work, I provide limited creative media services based on availability:
Consultations: academic or creative consultations for individuals/business regarding study, art, music, writing and games projects (as Lost Isle Media or relevant brand).
Events - Lectures: on a range of academic topics I've taught across the years (culture, media, genre, the fantastic, game design, and philosophy etc) (as Dr Glen Spoors).
Events - Workshops, primarily on game design (boardgame workshops, introduction to Unity, writing workshops, creative theory/practice) (as Cheeky Monster Games).
Game or Art Commissions: sketches and digital art as well as serious games for organisations (as Wyrdling Art or Cheeky Monster Games);
- Events - Music: musical performances (as Glen Spoors or Korelai).
While I occasionally work with others, except where indicated everything sold at lostislemedia.com is my copyrighted work; illustrations or other work by others are cited in published material.
Note: I'm slowly updating the site with my backlog of work and based on interest I may change my schedule of preparing work for publication. Let me know if you have any issues with the site at lostislemedia@gmail.com (all correspondence to Lost Isle Media brands (Coradel Press etc) and (Facebook, etc) are directed to this address.