Conditions of Use
Commercial Products
Unless stated otherwise, both paid and free products on this site are copyrighted by Dr Glen Spoors and only provided for use in private consumption. They may not be used for another's personal or commercial purposes without explicit approval from the creator. The Australian Copyright Council has information on the relevant copyright terms and principles.
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Some products on this site may be provided under a Creative Commons license. This extends to all Media Assets sold for the purpose of being used in personal or commercial projects, and any other item explicitly identified as existing under a Creative Commons license by the inclusion of the following icon and text:
"This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License."
Fair use of a Creative Commons license extends to the freedom to both share and adapt the material. However, the license requires that source material be attributed to Glen Spoors, or this site, where possible.
For more information on a creative commons license, see: